WOC 2015 Middle some photos from terrain, Jukka Inkeri

Sivun lopussa on kartasta 2. viimeisestä versio, joka olisi lähempänä elokuu 2015 tilannetta. Kartan tekijä vai joku muu oli riplannut kahta eri keltaista rastin viereen. Ei tietenkään erotu painetussa ... Miksei karttoja edes tulosteta kisamittakaavassa, että näkee kuinka toimii. Näytöllä ei voi arvata.

At the end of page is a map that might be better and describes the terrain more like it was in august 2015. Someone has tried two different yellow symbols around the control. Didn't he or she even tested how it works on printed map? On a map you can't see the difference. Tests should be done using printed maps, not LED screens.

Kumpare ei ollut harjanteella, oli reunassa.
The hill wasn't at the middle of the ridge.
Almost 50 cm high ...

Ei näy aitaa.
Can't see the fence.

Missä aita ?
Fence ?

Hidas maapohja ja keltaista ?
Slow undergrowth to run and yellow symbol?

After visiting ...

Maassa oli vaijeri, siinä oli koko aita ko. kohdalla.
Here it is! Under grass and thick vegetation you can find a wire. Hardly a fence, I must say.

Paras versio ?
The best version of the map without a fence? Fence that was hidden. Furthermore, the few visible parts were hanging very low, max 40 cm above the ground.

Olen melko varma, että tällä versiolla kaikki olisi menneet samalla tavalla rastille seuraten polkua eikä kiinni aitaan ja lipulle. Tässä vaiheessa kisaa parhaat vetää käytännössä aika muistilla isolla elementillä, koska kartan mukaan näin olisi. Harmi että karttaa ei ollut ainakaan vuoteen tarkistettu ko. kohdalta. Erityisesti risut ratamestareille, valvojille ja koejuoksijoille.

I'm pretty sure that with this edited map all the competitors would have chosen the route following path and open area. Not trying to follow the fence and green or path. Unfortunately medals were re-shared at this point. Was it fair for all the competitors (path/fence selection lottorie) ?

This part of map has probably not been updated or checked in last summer (green+yellow). Mapmaker might not have thought this part of the terrain being most vulnerable in terms of symbology, accuracy when measuring the best orienteerer in middle distance, so he or she is definitely not to blame

Who is responsible? Have the planners and controllers or test runners tried or even imagined running the last part with full speed fighting for every seconds gasping for breath and feeling the pain of 30 min hard exercise?